Boot Rack Saloon
4751 Lenox Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32205
Duval County
Phone: (904) 384-7090
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by stef h. on
You know what makes a classic San Francisco institution? -delicious, frothy, girlie cocktail drinks stiff as a boner and served in tall martini glasses -live jazz pianist -drunken karaoke action -drag queens and breeders alike swaying happily to "mack the knife" followed by"It's raining men" -and ofcourse one pissy older gay gentleman serving drinks with a scowl and a healthy dose of cantankerous bile! ...add all of the above to a shaker with crushed ice, shake well, and strain on the corner of valencia and mccoppin. -makes one classic SF love-fest. Drink in moderation- two servings will have you laid out in front of a toilet with your panties around your ankles..
by Jamie C. on
My friend says Circle... I think hmm. Korean guys are cute, so what the hell. Really, I knew that this could only end in tragedy, but I'm willing to try anything once. So, I meet my friend and a bunch of her college buddies at Circle.  We get there before the rest of the group, and while waiting watched at least 10 groups 15 guys deep (with tables of course) line up like super horny sardines to get into the club. Already red flags were up (sausage fest here we come). After the rest of our party arrives, 12 girls deep, we figure with all the testosterone that they have in there, there was no way that they were going to give a group of 12 girls any trouble. NOT! As another reviewer noted, beware of the late 20s Korean girl running the door and beware if anyone in your group is not Korean. With a group of korean and chinese girls, me and a white girl, they turned away the entire group of girls claiming that there was a "private party". Meanwhile, the mile long line of boys keeps rolling in and other girls get in. I resist assuming the worst about the people running this place, but there is only one conclusion to be made. Turning away 12 girls from a sausage fest..... are you f**ing kidding me. I am into any scene where I can hear some good music and have a good time with my friends. But, this scene is not into me apparently. Anyway, me, the white friend, and our mutual friend left and ended up having a great night. The rest of the group ended up getting in. I hope they had fun. I am sorry that you are racist, Circle, maybe you should look into counseling like Imus and Kramer.
by Shirley Erskine on
This place gets: 3 1/2 stars 4 stars for atmosphere and decor 3 stars for food The food is Asian Fusion, which I always have a hard time with. It was good but it wasn't authentic at all, but like I said what I have a hard time with. All of the servers are in these mock chinese uniform things, its really weird. The food was decent, the hubby was kinda disappointed with this "burger". Its so awesome in there though. I feel like you need to go there for lunch (like we did) and just check out the decor and the huge Buddha.
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