Break Room Lounge
720 Illinois Avenue
Maumee, OH 43537
Lucas County
Phone: (419) 893-5155
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Toya C. on
The perfect place to take friends from out of town. Nothing on the menu is too exotic, decor is nice, and very trendy nyc. But if you're not into sitting next to rich gossip girlesque 17 year olds with daddy's credit card, or random out of touch celebrities....go to Buddakan instead. The food, crowd and ambiance are much better.
by Jeff Y. on
Parking..............$15 Entrance..........$20 Drinks.................$11 Attitude from Mall ninja security guards....Priceless PS: DON't EVER EVER OPEN TAB on their stinky bar. I signed $48 credit card bill (including surprising 20% gratuity) Guess what. $129 on my credit card bill.!!! Called my bank and gave em nice looking chargeback.
by Jeannette Camic on
one of the most reliable upscale restaurants in our city.
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