Carribean International Disco Paradise
13518 Crenshaw Boulevard
Gardena, CA 90249
Los Angeles County
Phone: (310) 327-0891
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Ray V. on
This place pretty much sucks.  They try to make you wait out front as long as possible (even in the cold) to build anticipation that there is actually something inside worth waiting for.  The bouncers at the front here have an extremely inflated ego of themselves at their lounge. Overly expensive drinks, pretty crappy music, so-so crowd, too small a venue, ok decor.  I only went here because of a friend and would never go back unless I had a real good reason to.
by Sheldon Biasotti on
I can almost, just, not even bother. I could give this a two but to say"I've experienced better" might imply I plan on returning here.  I really don't. The food isn't worth talking about. The cocktails were okay. And, the performers couldn't be bothered to learn words for their lipsync; errr, except one.  One was hilarious but not worth the bill for our group of five. You can find better food, service and a drag show elsewhere.
by Warner Pontonio on
It was Christmas, so fairly easy to get into, but once inside, it wasn't too great. Downstairs was more crowded than upstairs but the crowd was not too classy. Then again, who but raging alcoholics go clubbing on Christmas .. ;)
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