Catch 22 Saloon
6000 Eastern Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21224
Baltimore City County
Phone: (410) 633-7465
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by Cherylynn N. on
"Excuse me, does anyone speak English here?" *Cricket Cricket* Don't get me wrong, I love my Asian parties, but to simply put it, "My House" on a Saturday night was FOB-U-LOUS! On Saturday, June 26th, my friends and I (all girls) arrived at MH at 12 Midnight and there was STILL a crowd of people waiting outside to get in. LINE: There is NO designated line; basically people just herd up like cattle at the side of MH. If you're a guy, GOOD EFFEN LUCK trying to get in. Once you get to the front of the crowd, you will either need an equal amount of girls to go in w/ you and your boys OR you will need to pay the bouncer. Luckily, some guys in front needed some girls to go in w/ them, so we were able to get in by 12:30 AM. COVER: $20 + whatever $$ you have to tip the bouncer to get in. DRESS CODE: NONE so it seems, as there were guys in chucks, hoodies, and hats and girls in flip-flops. I wish I got the memo, so I could have rocked my Salonpas and flip flops to MH since I twisted my ankle the previous night. *sigh* CROWD: Fob HERE, Fob THERE, Fobs EVERYWHERE! My guess it's probably b/c it was in-house promoters and EDC was going on that weekend. And, if you're over 25 like I am, you will feel like a Pedophile/Cougar b/c MH has a young crowd of 21-24 year-olds. It's a cockfest in MH, so there shouldn't be a problem getting free drinks from creepers if that's your thing. MUSIC: Top 40s, Hip-Hop, Mashups, Pop and House. I'm normally not a fan of House music, but the DJ did a great job w/ transitions from Hip-Hop to House and back. And, when he added house beats to Hip-Hop, the beats were in-synch. STAFF: Security/bouncers are S-H-A-D-Y. Every so often, the bouncer would go to the crowd (guys) and ask, "You ready for 'that' handshake?" aka "You ready to give show me the $$$?". The bartenders however, were fast and friendly. BARS: Three; one on the main floor, one upstairs, and one outside. DRINKS: $14 for top shelf shots and cocktails. I'm normally buzzed borderline faded w/ two AMFs; however, I downed 2 AMFs like shots w/in 30 min and left the club sober. So, the drinks were NOT strong. And, what's up w/ writing down people's Driver's License # for every drink order?!?!? DANCE FLOOR: One mid-sized dance floor (size of the one at Tryst at Vegas) w/ one platform which was pretty packed. A note to those who were on the platform: The platform is made for "dancing", not swaying side-to-side. You're not at a Air Supply concert, so learn how to "Drop It Like It's Hot" or GET OFF PLEASE! AMBIANCE/DÉCOR: OMFG, FREAKING AMAZING, hence the 4 STARS! Whoever designed MH is a genius. It's like a club w/in a contemporary mansion. Upon entrance, there's a grassy lawn w/ candles leading you up the stairway and into the club. The main area is like a big living room w/ plushy suede couches throughout for table service. The bar area is in the kitchen complete w/ a fridge and stove. The upstairs is like a loft area w/ a bed and a running Jacuzzi bathtub. The outside has multiple tables for bottle service w/ each one separated by long suede ivory brown curtains. No details left unturned, as MH was decorated as a real house/mansion would be w/ pictures, houseware, plants, vases w/ flowers, candles, and etc. PARKING: There's a parking garage next door for a $15 flat fee. The crowd on Sat night was not my cup of tea, but the ambiance/décor and music more than made up for it. It's mixed crowd on Fri, so I'll definitely come back then when I'm in the LA area. Either that or I'll have to brushen up on my Canto skills or learn Mandarin, Korean, or Japanese AND most importantly, learn how to be a peace sign whore...
by Ryan J. on
I really like this place, especially since I don't live in the mission.  I like eating here, and partying here. On nice nights obviously the deck is great.  But you can also hang downstairs too which is nice.  Its real easy to loose friends here though.  Also, the bouncers always have sticks up their asses. The food I thought was good.  real variety on the menu. It may not be perfect but its definitely something fun and different in this city, which we need more of.
by Eldon Monsrud on
I really like this venue for live music! We went here to see Louis XIV and the Rock N' Roll Soldiers and we had a blast! I like the split level with an open floor and seating up top is nice. The side tables are pretty fun too... Lots of bars to get your drink on and just a lot of places to roam if you need the space. We went here for a club night sucked. We took a cab, but the parking situation, better be ready to throw down $50 just for parking. Ugh!
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