613 North Baltimore Avenue
Derby, KS 67037
Sedgwick County
Phone: (316) 788-1690
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Enrique Mckibbin on
Had a blast here. Probably my favorite night out in Seattle was here, but I'm sure because I'm a tourist and never been here before it was good times. -Large main dance floor with two levels, 3 other rooms with plenty of room to chill. -Music was good -Crowd was diverse -Somewhat classy nightclub (of course not comparing Vegas style clubs) If I was a local I'm sure I'd be tired of this spot, but I'd recommend to anyone that has never been.
by Daryl Kauer on
Place looks nice - my main complaint was the music. The DJ played a song every minute (even less than a minute). I felt like I was forced to have ADD there -I did not like that. The acrobats were a nice treat
by angela y. on
I went here last night for dinner and to watch the Barack Obama acceptance speech, BOTH were AMAZING. Cafe Circa had $5 cosmos which were good, although I am not sure if I am just a functional drunk OR if there was just NO alcohol in the drinks, because after 5 cosmos I still wasn't  buzzed. Our server was very good and attentive which was cool because the place was packed (standing room only). We had the pot-stickers and calamari for appetizers and I had the crab cakes and cabbage for my meal. The crab cakes were yummy -- my friend had the Thai chicken which he enjoyed. I will definitely return.
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