The Amazon
318 West College Avenue
Appleton, WI 54911
Outagamie County
Phone: (920) 738-5603
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Janet B. on
My girlfriends and I went there for a bachelorette party and it was AHH-MAZE-ING!!!!  We pulled up and the doorman couldn't have been nicer.  He let another person, I'm assuming a manager, know that we had arrived and they walked us right in and sat us at our booth.  There was a bottle of champagne waiting for us and then the server asked us else we'd like to drink.  We ordered more champagne and various cocktails that were all great.  The manager bought us a few rounds of shots and  was super sweet.  The DJ was ridiculous and the atmosphere and energy was awesome.  Sure, there were the usual L.A. d-bags but that to be expected wherever you go.  Maybe it was cuz we spent the money to get a booth but we had the night of our lives.  We danced on the booths all night  and were treated very well.  I LOVE G&D!!!
by Richard S. on
This place will eventually fail like the others have. The drinks cost way to much esp for times like we are having now. The line is fake just so you can wait and have to pay the cover. Service is sub par for a place charging that much. The people for the most part are douche bag wanna be rich guys spending their whole pay check to impress a waitress that they wont get any booty from anyways. Over all the music is horrible mix of rock and hip hop that does not mix well. I would say give it a try once just to say you went while it was open. I liked Compound much better.
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